Reset Your Metabolism. Join the 7-Day Challenge!

Why Do Most Diets Fail You? They Address the Wrong Things...

The Metabolism Reset Diet is a Supportive Liver Detox that Frees Trapped Fat, Boosts Your Energy, and Heals Your Gut.

Join Me, Dr. Alan Christianson, and Thousands of People during This Incredible Free 7-Day Challenge.

Starts October 7, 2024. Register Now.

Yes! I'm Ready To Activate My Metabolism!

Register below to reserve your spot on the 100% FREE Metabolism Reset Challenge...



  • Watch the First Video (all you have to do is sign up and we’ll email it to you!)
  • Follow the Simple Steps (with coaching videos you’ll watch via desktop or mobile devices)
  • Chat with others in a private Facebook community. My team and I provide support & coaching, every single day. Because we want your success!

Dr. Christianson and his all natural programs and protocols have been premiered on...

Hey There! Ready to regain your energy, shrink your waist, and feel great? You’re in the right place.

I’m Dr Christianson, NYT best-selling author & naturopathic physician, father of 2, and happily married to the woman of my dreams for over 20 years. You can call me “Dr. C” for short.

Who would have guessed that a farm kid from Minnesota with epileptic seizures could end up on Dr. Oz, The Doctors, CNN Headline News, (and more)…as a health expert?

I designed The Metabolism Reset Diet based on clinical trials with thousands of patients in my office. On average, participants lost 13 pounds and 2.5 inches from their waists over the course of the 28-day program!

In just 7 days, I’ll guide you step-by-step to reduce harmful buildup in your liver. How? Through a supportive liver detox that cleanses your liver. It’s gentler than most detoxes and helps heal your gut.

The liver detox has four steps over 28 days. I’d like you to try step 1 for yourself, to see if it helps. If so, you’ll really love steps 2-4!

I hope you’ll join me and the thriving community of those whose lives have already been transformed.

To Your Health!

Dr. C

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